Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Best Tricks To Install MMX 352G Modem Driver In Windows 8 or 8.1

A Complete Solution "How To Install MMX 352G Modem Driver " In Your PC (Windows 8, 8.1)
Micromax MMX352 3G USB Manager
Micromax MMX 352G is one of the most popular & best tool to run 3G USB Modem which provide you very fast 7.2 mbps download speed. But recently when windows 8 or 8.1 is released then new windows 8 users have to face some problems with this modem. It is not working on Windows 8 operating system because of incompatibility. The drivers of MMX 352G Modem are not install on Windows 8 or 8.1 OS.
You may have faced this problem. Don't worry, there is a working & simple solution. Now I will share a special tips "How can you use MMX 352G Modem in your Windows 8, 8.1 OS PC"

This tricks are also working for below "MMX 352G" Models: 
  • Micromax MMX 353G
  • Micromax MMX 355G
  • Micromax MMX 377G
  • Micromax MMX 144F and some others....
How To Install  Micromax MMX 352G Modem Driver?
Follow the given tricks in below step by step to install MMX 352G Modem Driver in Windows 8, 8.1 & 8.2 (Windows 8 Pro/ Enterprise/RT 32bit & 64bit)
 1. At first connect your modem in PC. 

2. Now a folder will appear. Open this folder which containing the installation files.
3. Now save the settings for ShowModem.exe => Select windows 7 as compatibility mode.
4. Run the ShowModem.exe file & complete installing the drivers. 
5. After completing installation restart your system (PC).
6. Go to your Control Panel => Device Manager => Others Device => uninstall modem related all 
7. Now go to Action Menu => Scan for hardware changes => Now it will automatically scan &   update by Windows 8 system.
8. Now it is Installed 3G USB Modem in your PC properly. Now it should work.
9. Connect internet with MMX 352G modem & enjoy the first class downloading speed.
Another Easier Way To Install MMX 352G Modem Driver:

This is another simple way to install MMX 352G Modem Driver to solve issues-"No Device Found in Windows-8".  Follow the below tricks step by step-

1. Connect MMX 352G Modem in your PC.

2. Run the setup file & complete the installation.

3. It may appeared that "Install Drivers....Fail" don't be upset.

4. Now it will ask for restart your system. Now Restart your PC.

5. Now Open your C Drive => C:\program Files\MMX352 3G USB Manager\Driver  (x84 or x64 Bit)
6. Now you will get the below file..
  • cmnsmdm.info => right Click => OK
  • cmnsser.info => right Click => OK
7. Its enough. Now open the modem software & it will show the full network. It is completely tested & working.

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